27 December 2012

Function of Ring Traveller | Specification of Traveller | Factors Considered for Selection of a Traveller

Traveler is the most tinny and simple mechanical element in ring frame which carries the most important function like simultaneous twisting, winding, thread guide etc. We have discussed about features of Ring traveller in another article.

Ring traveller
Function of Traveller:
Traveller does some important in ring frame. These are mentioned below:-
a) Twisting on the drafted strand of fibre.
b) Winding of the yarn on the bobbin.
c) Maintain winding tension of the yarn by the frictional resistance between the ring and the traveler.
d) It acts as a guide for yarn on the way to be wound on the bobbin.

Specification of Traveller: A ring traveler is specified by the followings-

a) Traveller no.: 1, 2, 3, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 etc.
b) Cross section of the wire and shape
c) Flange no.
d) Surface finish- Stainless steel made,
  • Carbon finish,
  • Nicle finish etc.
e) Type of materials etc.

Notation of Traveller: A traveller can be notified as follows-

3/0 MS/hF
5/0 MS/FF
7/0 HI-NI/ hf

3/0- Traveller number
MS- Mild steel
Hf- Half flange
FF- Full flange
HI-NI- High Nicle Finish

Traveller Number or size of Traveller: Here, if the weight of 10 traveller is 10 grains then the number of those traveller is 1 and so on.

Recommended traveler no. for various yarn counts:

Count (Ne)
Traveller No.

Factors Considered for Selection of a Traveller:

a) Yarn count: Higher the yarn count, lower will be the traveler weight.

b) Spindle Speed: If the spindle speed is high, then the yarn tension will be high. So lighter traveler should be used to minimize tension.

c) Ring dia: For same spindle speed and count, with the increase of ring diameter yarn tension as well as frictional area increases. So traveler should be lighter.

d) Empty bobbin dia: When empty bobbin dia decreases, winding angle decreases resulting a higher yarn tension. So a light traveler should be used.

e) Lift of bobbin: If the lift of bobbin increases yarn tension will be higher. So traveler weight should be less.

f) Cross section of traveler: We know, if frictional area increases, lighter traveler should be light.
  • For flat frictional area increases, traveler weight decreases.
  • For semi circular, frictional area decreases, traveler weight increases.
  • For circular, frictional area decreases, traveler weight increases. 


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